AfterMARC: Morphing, murdering, or massaging the MARC format

Posted on Fri 08 September 2006 in Libraries

Update 2007/01/02: The wiki you are looking for is at -- sorry for not updating this earlier.

Update 2006/09/10: I have been informed that while my effort was appreciated, Karen and Eric Lease Morgan are working on setting up their own wiki instead. So please ignore this message. I will update this space once their wiki is unveiled.

[STRIKEOUT:In response to Karen Coyle's post to the MARC listserv in which she said she was "trying to set up some organized wiki space where we can get some of the great ideas coming out into some kind of shape" about a proposal for a NISO standard that would potentially augment or replace MARC, I created]

[STRIKEOUT:I hate to see the early energy for these kinds of proposals get derailed by basic infrastructure hurdles and I happen to be pretty good at setting up and maintaining a wiki. Given my own experiences as a systems librarian and with parsing the MARC format in PHP, I am really interested in helping to turn vague dissatisfaction into concretely documented requirements, so voila: the AfterMARC wiki!]